
Finesse Wedge

Fundamental technique|Finesse wedge set-up

Here are some checkpoints for setting up a finesse wedge. First, take a look at Justin Thomas' finesse wedge setup. JT's...

This is the easiest! Distance bunker shot

Bunker shots with a distance of 40 or 50 yards are said to be difficult even for professionals. Some amateurs may not kn...

Putting game to match your sense of green reading|Tornado

Here is a game called "Tornado" to train your green reading and mental skills. Take six tees and choose a suitable cup o...

Why you should aim for a bogey-on rate rather than a par-on rate, according to the data

Many golfers keep track of their scores and check their par on percentage and bogey-on percentage for each round, but fe...

You should know! The relationship between where the ball hits the putter face and its launch direction

It is important to hit the ball in the center of the face with the putter. If you hit the ball in the center, the ball w...

This is the final solution! How to fundamentally fix a shank

I have been struggling with shanks since I started playing golf. A common pattern is to shank on the approach and then h...

Eliminate the anxiety of short putts! |Mini-game of Putting|North-South-East-West

This mini-game will eliminate your fear of short putts. Here is a mini-game called North-South-East-West. Step 1 Prepare...

Ultimate Japanese putter “the MASDA GOLF STUDIO-2” review

This is a review of the Studio-2 from Japanese local club manufacturer Masuda Golf. Review Aiming5/5 PointsTouch5/5 Poin...

You must know! The relationship between the angle of the face and the swing path

Have you ever started to slice in the middle of a round of golf and the more you tried to fix it, the worse the slice go...

PGA Tour Pro’s Putting Setup|Ball Position and Posture

The basic putting setup is something that a surprising number of golfers fail to do. The basics are as follows The shaft...