This mini-game will eliminate your fear of short putts.
Here is a mini-game called North-South-East-West.
Step 1
Prepare four balls and choose an appropriate hole on the putting green.
Step 2
Place four balls in a diagonal line 3 feet from the hole (roughly the length of your putter).
Like this.

If you put it this way, the diagonal balls will be on opposite lines to the hole.
If one is up-slope line, the other is down-slope line; if one is left-to-right line, the other is right-to-left one.
Read the green carefully and stroke the diagonal balls against the hole in order.
Take four strokes and keep track of how many times you hole in.
Step 3
Now, place four balls in the same way at a distance of 4 feet and 5 feet from the hole, and putt them.
You have now putted a total of 12 times.
If your goal is to score in the 90s or 80s, you should be able to get the ball in the cup 9 out of 12 times.
If you are aiming for a score in the 70s, you want to get in the cup 10 out of 12 times.
This is a review of the Studio-2 from Japanese local club manufacturer Masuda Golf.
Aiming | 5/5 Points |
Touch | 5/5 Points |
Feel | 4/5 Points |
I think that the quality of Japan’s manufacturing industry is superior to other countries in the world, and I truly believe this to be true.
Japanese products are particular about details ultimately, and the efforts made in places that cannot be seen are amazing.
I believe that this leads to good quality.
However, I think there are many products that are losing in the global market because they are not very good at presenting the visible parts (marketing and design) despite their great attention to the invisible parts.
I believe that the quality of Japanese golf clubs should be more recognized around the world.
Masuda Golf is a well-known Japanese manufacturer of golf clubs, and they are very particular about the quality of their products.
Studio-2 Spec
Weight | 563g |
Length | 33inch |
Face angle | Toe balance |
Feel | Slightly solid |
Loft | 4° |
Rye angle | 72° |
First impression
The shape is a standard pin-type putter, but it feels moderately heavy.
Overall, the putter has the feel of iron cut by a craftsman, which is not the case with putters from major manufacturers.
It’s hard to tell from the picture.
The face is balanced on the toe side of the face, which is a standard pin-shaped putter balance.


The shape of the putter is a standard pin shape putter, but the entire putter conveys a “square” feeling.
This makes it easy to hold the putter square without feeling any difficulty in the head.
Touch and distance feeling
Because of its weight, the head does not shake and it is easy to make a pendulum stroke.
The feel is similar to the Scotty Cameron’s putters, but I feel the Studio-2 is more slightly solid.
I usually use the Scotty Cameron Flowback 5 and the Studio-2 depending on my mood that day, and I can match the touch and distance feeling with the same feeling compared to the Flowback 5.
It is a pin type putter, but it is a very stable stroke putter.
It weighs 563g, and I think the weight is what gives it this stability.
Most putters from major manufacturers these days weigh around 530g, and I honestly wonder why they make them so light.
I wonder why they make them so light.
A certain amount of weight is definitely more stable.
The putter stroke is a pendulum motion, and the ball is hit at the lowest point, so according to the laws of physics, the heavier the putter, the more stable it will be.
You should use heavier putter.
I think Masuda Golf’s commitment to weighting the putter without being influenced by trends is what makes it so special.
Also, as a local club manufacturer, Masuda Golf for fine tuning and customization of the club even after purchase.
I think the flexibility in this area is a big advantage of the local club manufacturers.
If you want this ultimate Japanese craftsmanship putters, contact to us.
Have you ever started to slice in the middle of a round of golf and the more you tried to fix it, the worse the slice got?
If so, your knowledge of face angle and swing path may be inadequate.
The machanism of physics is as follows.
- The face angle determines the direction of the ball’s launch.
- The relationship between the swing path and the face angle determines the direction in which the ball bends.
There are many people who remember this backwards.
You may think that the swing path determines the direction of the ball’s launch, and that you have to turn the face to bend the ball.
For example, if you swing inside-out, the ball will be hit to the right side.
Do you think that if you close the face, you can hit a hook?
You are completely misunderstanding the laws of physics.
1.The face angle determines the direction of the ball’s launch.
As you can see, the ball is launched perpendicular to the face at 90 degrees.
2.the relationship between the swing path and the face surface determines the backward bending of the ball
In this way, if the face is square and the swing trajectory is inside-out
If you have a square face and an inside-out swing path, the ball will launch straight out and turn to the left, resulting in a draw ball.
If you have a square face and an inside-out swing path, the ball will launch straight out and turn to the left, resulting in a draw ball.

If the face is open and the swing path is from the outside of the face angle, the result is a push out slice.
In the following example, the face hits open but the swing path is straight (the result is a push slice).

If you remember that launch is determined by swing trajectory, you will never be able to correct it.
If the swing path determines the launch angle, then swinging more outside-in will correct the problem, but the laws of physics dictate that it is the face angle that determines the launch angle, so if you swing outside-in when you have a push-out slice, you will induce a push-out slice that bends further to the right.
This is how it works.

If this happens, you will never be able to cure your push-slice forever (you may be able to hit a pull-straight ball by accidentally hitting the face closed).
If you know this law, you will know how to correct the mistake and make the essential correction.
The basic putting setup is something that a surprising number of golfers fail to do.
The basics are as follows
- The shaft of the putter should be perpendicular to the ground.
- The ball should be slightly outside your eyes.
- Keep your pelvis up and your back rounded, not stretched out.
This is Tiger Woods’ setup.

The shaft is perpendicular to the ground.
The reason why the shaft is perpendicular is because it is easiest to hit the ball square with the putter if you stroke it like a pendulum and hit the ball at its lowest point.
The launch angle of the ball is determined by the angle of the putter surface.
If you hit the ball square, the ball will roll straight at a 90-degree angle from the putter surface.
To hit the ball square, it makes the most physical sense to hit it at the bottom of the pendulum stroke.
This is Jon Rahm’s setup.

The ball is now at the top of your forehead.
This varies a bit from person to person, but it should be kept between the eye level and the top of the forehead.
Many amateur golfers are very close to this distance.
Many golfers set up with their backs straight, but I think it’s better to hunch your back like Rahm.
For a pendulum stroke, you want to keep your lower body as still as possible, and PGA Tour professionals rarely move their lower body, but if you keep your back straight, your lower body will inevitably move along with your upper body.
This video by Azuma Yano who is a Japanese pro golfer at about the 7:00 mark is good and easy to understand.
I think this video is very informative for US golfers.
To check the position of the ball, you can use a tool like this one.
You can check the position of your face.
A lot of golfers get the bunker setup and swing wrong.
- Swing it outside-in
- Return the face
- Set up square
These are all wrong.
If you set up and swing this way, you will 100% have no trouble in the bunker.
First, grip the face open.

Open the face of wedge the lens firmly, about 45 degrees.
This will allow you to use the bounce.
Then, turn your entire body about 20% counterclockwise.

Keep your weight on your lead foot and take a more hands-down stance than usual.
This completes the setup.
Now, swing in a normal swing path with an open stance of about 20 degrees.
Do not swing outside-in.
If you want the ball to fly to the target, you need to duff the ball from the neck of the face to the toe.
The ball will now fly to the target.
If you find that the ball comes out to the left of the target, you can correct this by keeping the target line to the right.

That’s all.
Now you can successfully escape from the bunker.
- Having trouble with the position of the ball in your short game?
- I’ll teach you a super easy way to check and fix it.
This is the best way to determine the position of the ball in your short game.
I believe this is the best method because you can check and correct the position in an instant without using any tools other than a golf club.

As I mentioned in my article on eradicating shanks, this method will also eliminate shanks.
First, address the ball.
This time, I’m addressing with a 46-degree pitching wedge.
(Some of you may think that I put it pretty far to the left.)

Then, bring the club down to the center of your body.
Like this.

The checkpoints are
- Is the tip of the grip in line with the heel line of the foot?
- Is there a foot of space between the shaft of the club and your left foot?Many golfers stand too close together.
Many people stand too close and put the ball too far in.
However, this is the basic position of the ball.
If you’re looking to hit the ball too far to the left, you’re not shifting your center of weight at impact.
If you can shift your center of wieght at this ball position, your swing will be more isolated and you will make fewer mistakes.

On the other hand, if you place the ball too far to the trail foot side the isolation of your swing will be smaller and your swing odds will be worse.
If you’re not hitting the center of the head, you’re probably adjusting by tucking your elbow at impact.
If you take this much distance from the ball, you should be able to hit the ball with your hands extended.
It’s a good thing to have your hands outstretched to hit the ball with the least amount of error, and the outstretched position will give you the most head speed.
If you’ve been playing for a long time and you’re not sure how to hit the ball, you may want to consider using a shorter club.
In the short game, there are times when you hold the club short and address it with a narrow stance, but the basic concept is the same.
The shorter you hold the club, the closer you stand to the ball.

The short grip should be at the line of your heel.
The relationship between the ball and the lead foot position is the same, but put it one foot to the right of the left foot.

By the way, this idea of ball position is the same for all clubs except driver and putter, regardless of the type of shot!
Most of amateur golfers misunderstand the hand-first, down-blow impact.
I had the same misconception.
What is important in the down-blow swing is the position of the lead knee and the center of body.
You can’t get a down-blow by bending your left hand palm down using “The Hanger”.
The Hanger is not difinitely necessary for true hand-first and downslow impact.
This hand-first and down-blow position is a must for any controlled shot within 120 yards.
- By hitting the ball handfirst and down-blow, you can reduce the variation of the ball from side to side and vertically
- No too heavy hit
So how do you do it?
Shift your body to the left from address to impact, as shown in this photo.

The following is the area around impact when the down blow was not made.

This is not the way to hit a down-blow.

The position of the center of the body is not overtaking the ball at impact.
This is not the way to hit a down-blow.
In order to hit a down-blow, you need to shift to the lead knee side as extreme as this.

You can take a video using your smart phone to try and see.
If you are not hitting the ball down-blow, your groin position is not overtaking the ball at impact.
If your center position is not overtaking the ball, you will not be able to hit a down-blow even if you try to maintain hand palm flexion.
A good way to practice is to refer to the following.
A stick is the best tool for down-blow impact not “The Hanger”.
If you can’t stick a stick, click here.
I can hit the ball down-blow this way!
It’s a great feeling to be able to turf fly away like a PGA tour pros.
- For those who want to essentially eliminate hitting the ball heavily on short games within 30 yards
- If you want to know how to practice so that you can avoid getting “too heavy hit” for the rest of your life.
If you have a problem with your approach within 30 yards, it can be very damaging.
When you are watching Youtube golf lesson video, there are too many myths.
If you want to be able to hit the ball straight, you need hit the ball like a putter stroke. Or, no, face turn!
Place the ball closer to your trail foot. No, if you put the ball to the trail foot, you’ll hit the ball too hard!
It’s just too confusing.
I personally think that no matter how much you watch Youtube videos of famous lesson pros and tour pros, you will not improve.
The reason is that there are too many videos that recommend the exact opposite method.
It is impossible for us amateurs to pick out the best videos from this jumble of Youtube videos.
I digress.
The essential way to avoid hitting a heavy shot is to shift your weight.
The basic mechanism is the same as in this article.

First, let’s take a look at the setup and near impact of short game of the best short game player, Jordan Spieth.
Spieth’s setup.

Near the impact

The difference looks so subtle that you can’t tell unless I draw a line like this, but the center of weight shifts to the left near impact.
Let’s take a look at Tiger Woods’s setup and impact.

The ball is set up a little to the trail foot side compared to the Spieth, but the center of weight is still shifted to the lead foot by one ball near impact.
In Tiger’s case, the center of weight is directly above the ball at impact.
Both Spieth and Tiger move their center of body to the lead foot side by about one ball (about 2 inch), although not so much that the center of their bodies overtake the ball as in a full shot.
This is a small shift of weight, so if you watch a video or something like that, it may seem like you are not shifting their center of body, but the reality is that they are shifting their entire body to the lead foot side by about 2 inch.
Most amateur golfers don’t do this, and shift their weight to the trail foot side, the opposite of what Spieth and Tiger do.
This will naturally result in a too heavy hit because the lowest point will be too behind the ball.
You must always shift your weight to the lead foot side, even on very short approaches.
The way to practice is basically the same as in this article, but stick the stick about 2 inch outside the lead foot side of where you set up, and practice so that your lead side hip hits the stick on impact.
If you can’t stick the stick in the grass when you are practicing at the driving range, use these tools.